The Bubba & Me Club: Your Complete Antenatal Course
Preparing for the arrival of your little one is a special journey, and at the Bubba & Me Birth Club, we’re here to guide you through every step. Our comprehensive FEDANT accredited antenatal course covers everything you need to know to feel empowered, confident, and supported as you approach this life-changing event.
Our courses run for six weeks (six sessions) and are available in multiple locations across South East England - East Grinstead, Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks and Lewes.
Each couple will receive a welcome box upon arrival which feature self-care products for pregnancy, postpartum and baby alongside our antenatal and postnatal guides. Plus, you will receive a free three month subscription to The Bubba & Me Club online for all your pregnancy, postnatal and parenting resources.
After the birth, you are also welcome to a complimentary birth debrief session. This is not obligatory but most people do find this experience rather cathartic and a closing chapter for their pregnancy.
Suitable from 28 weeks.
Price: £200 per couple
Next courses:
Monday, Feb 3rd 2025 (six week course)
The Physiology of Birth
In session one we focus on how your body works during labor and birth. Understanding this can help ease any anxiety and give you a sense of control. In this section, we explore and discuss:
What is physiological birth
The role of the uterus in labour
The role of the cervix in labour
What does your body need to physically birth
Hormones in labour
Early signs of labour
The labour journey - Room 1 (Separation), Room 2 (Liminality), Room 3 (Emergence/Birth)
How to promote and protect Oxytocin in labour
Getting into the ‘Birth Zone’
The role of the birth partner
The fear cycle
3 hours
Birth Environments
Session two focuses on choosing the right birth environment for you. We provide in-depth information about the various options and discuss the pros and cons of each environment to help you make an informed decision.
Home Birth:
Hospital Birth
Birth Centres
Water birth
1.5 hours
The Medicalisation of Birth
While many births progress naturally, medical intervention may sometimes be necessary. In session three we look at the following in detail:
What is an intervention
Inductions and augmentations
Medical pain relief
Types of fetal monitoring
Assisted delivery
Abdominal birth
Birth preferences
2.5 hours
Birth Rights & Advocacy
Session four is all about empowerment. It is crucial to know your rights during labour and birth. We will discuss the following:
Capacity and what it means
Consent – your right to informed consent and the importance of understanding your options
How to communicate effectively with your care team
The role of the birth partner
Available resources
1.5 hours
Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding
In session five we discuss feeding and nursing your little bubba. Whatever route you choose to explore we discuss each option in detail:
Breastfeeding techniques – how to achieve a good latch, comfortable positioning, nutrition, caring for yourself
Bottle feeding – finding the right bottle
Winding - breastfeeding and bottle feeding
Your baby’s gut
2.5 hours
Postpartum care
Our final session: session six! Your body will go through significant changes after birth, and taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your baby. This section includes:
Postpartum Planning: We will work together on creating what your ideal postpartum period looks like for you and what your support network looks like. We believe postpartum planning is equally as important, if not more important, than the birth plan!
Physical healing: Recovery from vaginal birth or abdominal birth, managing pain, and pelvic floor health.
Mental health: The baby blues, postpartum depression, and when to seek support.
Strategies for balancing rest and recovery with newborn care, and how to set realistic expectations.
Nourishment & Nutrition: How best to heal your body postpartum
Life with a Newborn: Learn newborn essentials like cord care, the golden hour, bathing & changing
3 hrs